Year 6R 2024 - 2025
Miss O'Regan
Miss Hulse
Welcome to 6R
Welcome back after the Christmas break!
The Christian Value we will explore is ‘Courage'. This half term, we will be focussing on Hinduism, the children will be answering Big Questions and posing their own.
In English, we will be focussing on different genres of writing where the children have the opportunity to edit and redraft their work; ensuring each piece of writing shows their true potential. We will start by looking at ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. We will be reading the story in class and basing our writing around it. We will be using the thoughts and feelings of the characters to produce our writing. We will then move on to looking at information texts based on evacuees.
In Maths, we will begin with rounding, thinking about measurements. Then we will move onto looking at fractions and percentages of amounts. Children will be taking part in Freckles Maths and answer questions that are marked automatically and then are tested at the end. We will continue with the competition between the classes on TT Rock stars, and we will see which class wins just before the end of the term.
In Science, we will be looking at ‘Animals including Humans’. Children will get the opportunity to observe how the human body works and how blood moves around the body.
In Geography, the topic we are looking at is ‘Are we damaging our world?’ We will be learning about how our actions are effecting the world globally.
In Art, we will be focussing on Monet and looking at ‘What can you see?’
Thank you for your continued support, The Year 6 Team!
Year 6R: Gallery items
Recycling session with Rochdale Council, by Miss Healey
Science - Clay Hearts, by Miss Hulse
KS2 Christmas Sing-a-Long, by Miss Hulse
Year 6R: Events items
Year 6 SATs - Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation, by Mr Wood
Year 6 SATs - Reading, by Mr Wood
Year 6 SATs - Maths 1 & 2, by Mr Wood