Year 2B 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bradley
Miss Kyte
Welcome to 2B
Welcome back to the first term of Year 2!
Please keep an eye on this page for updates throughout the year.
Welcome to 2B
Welcome back to the second half of the first term! We have lots of exciting things planned this term!
Please keep an eye on this page for updates throughout the year.
Welcome back Year Two! We are all so excited to begin this year with you all. Year Two is a very important year, with lots of things to learn…are you ready? Let’s see what we are learning this half term!
In maths, we will begin by focusing on doubling and halving. Later in the term, we will begin to think about telling the time. Do you know what time it is now? We will also be doing a weekly 'MAD MINUTES' sessions, where the children are timed whilst completing their times tables. Ready, steady, get practising!
In English, we are focussing on the book 'The Cherry Tree Farm’ by Enid Blyton. The children will be making predictions, exploring the front cover and making inferences based on what they have read. Towards the end of this half term, we will look at a non-fiction text all about Guy Fawkes.
In History, our topic is 'Why do we remember the fifth of November? ‘Throughout this topic, we will be exploring the events that led to Guy Fawkes plot to set the Houses of Parliament on fire. Have you heard any fireworks lately? Was his plan successful?
Our Science topic continues to be 'Materials Matter'. We are now focussing on materials that are used to make different balls and the reason why these materials have been used. Which ball was the bounciest, the football or the bouncy ball?
In RE, we will be focussing on the topic 'Christmas - Why was the birth of Jesus so important?’ Our learning will be focussed around many ‘Big Questions’ and we will be discussing how to spread the good news of Jesus' birth.
Our value this half term is ‘Compassion’. How will you show this value at school?
- Homework will be sent home on Fridays and needs to be completed by the following Thursday.
- Children need a full PE kit in school including PE pumps/ black trainers and appropriate clothing for both indoor and outdoor PE lessons.
- Please remember to check our class page on the school website for reminders and any recent work that we are proud of!
Let’s begin our learning Year Two!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Bradley and the Year 2 Team!
Year 2B: Gallery items
Wellbeing Ambassadors, by Mrs Brandwood
Class 2B Eureka trip, by Mrs Bradley
Year Two Wind Vanes, by Miss Kyte
Year 2B: Events items
KS1 Christmas Show, by Mr Wood
2B Class Assembly, by Mr Wood